July 15, 2008

Zucchini rolls with herbed cheese - Rulouri de dovlecei cu crema de branza si ierburi

First, Irina made her eggplant rolls, which look amazing, then Cristina, and last week I found this book by Jennifer Joyce online and was temped by the cover so much, that I had to try and replicate the zucchini rolls that appear in the middle. And because I'll get the book from the library only next week, I made them now using things that we like ( and happened to have in the fridge).

So, here it goes:
2 zucchini, cut in very thin slices lengthwise
3 tablespoons creamcheese
3 tablespoons Bulgarian/French feta cheese, grated or smashed with a fork
2 tablespoons heavy cream
1-2 tablespoons dill, parsley, basil mixed together (or any other fresh herbs you might like)
salt and pepper to taste
orange bell pepper (because that's what I had in the fridge, but I think red would look better) and chives to decorate

Brush the zucchini with oil and cook on a very hot grill for not more than 1 minute per side. After you take them out on a plate, season with salt & pepper.
Mix the creamcheese, feta and the heavy cream about 2 minutes, until airy like a mousse, season with salt and pepper and add the herbs.
Place a teaspoon of the cheese mixture at the end of a zucchini slice and roll, then place the rolls on the serving platter.
Decorate with chives and bell pepper segments, or arugula, basil or mint as it might be in the picture, or actually as you please.
They are tasty bites, nothing hard to put together and they disappear prrreety fast.

Mai intai am vazut cuiburile de vinete ale Irinei, apoi Cristina i-a calcat pe urme, iar saptamana trecuta am gasit cartea aceasta de Jennifer Joyce online, si mi-au facut cu ochiul rulourile cu dovlecei din mijloc. Iar pentru ca nu pot lua cartea de la biblioteca decat la sfarsitul saptamanii, am decis sa le fac cu ce ingrediente ne plac noua (si mai ales cu ce aveam in frigider).
Asa ca am folosit:
2 dovlecei taiati felii subtiri de cca 3 mm pe lung
3 linguri crema de branza/cascaval/Phildelphia
3 linguri telemea rasa
3 linguri smantana lichida
sare si piper dupa gust
1 linguri ierburi proaspete tocate - marar, patrunjel, busuioc ( alegeti ce va place voua sau ce aveti)
feliute de ardei gras si chives (merg frunzele de la o ceapa verde mai subtire) pt. decorat

Se ung feliile de dovlecel cu ulei si se pun pe un gratar foarte incins timp de maxim un minut pe fiecare parte. Cand se scot pe farfurie se sareaza si pipereaza putin.
Se freaca cu mixerul crema de cascaval, telemeaua si smantana lichida, cca 2 minute, cat sa devina o crema spumoasa, apoi se adauga, sare, piper si verdeata.
Se pune o lingurita de crema de branza pe o felie de dovlecel si se ruleaza, apoi se pune in picioare pe farfurie.
Se decoreaza rulourile cu feliutele de ardei gras (eu am avut numai portocaliu, dar cred ca unul rosu ar fi mers mult mai bine, pt. poza, ma refer) si cu ceapa verde, sau dupa cum arata coperta cartii, cu ceva verdeturi; arucola, menta, busuioc, sau dupa imaginatia si placul vostru.
Sunt tare gustoase, nu se fac greu si dispar repede, foarte repede.


Irina said...

MMMMMM, reteta pe gustul meu !
Frumoase poze !

roxana said...

Pe gustul si dupa exemplul tau. Ma bucur mult ca iti plac, incerc sa fac ceva mai bun cu aparatul.