We went back to Oceanside, for a week at the beach and tanning, doing nothing and being as lazy as possible. And that's exactly how this past week has passed. I am still not ready to face my desk tomorrow in spite of all the rest and laziness, but what can you do? I wish i was a kid again, i promise i would be so happy of going back to school and not complain about the vacation being gone so fast, but i don't think this helps me feel less miserable. On the other side, clara is so excited to meet her new teacher and her new coleagues, so at least one of us is doing better.
Before we left, i made a corn chowder, but i didn't have the time to post anything. I have been waiting for along time to make this soup but i was waiting for corn to be in season to be very sweet and milky. I looked for a recipe for a long time, and i found a couple that i liked, so i decided to combine them and then made some other changes, so now it is a completely different recipe. I liked how creamy and tasty it came out, and i am sure when some crab or lobster is added to the list of ingredients, it's even better, but i made it without any seafood so clara could eat some too. I've read recently about using the corn cobs to make the stock, so i kept them and boiled them, it was a marvelous idea.
Corn chowder
8 corn on the cob - cut the corn off from 7 cobs, and keep the cobs to make the stock. The 8th cob will be grilled and the kernels used for garnish)
You could add seafood to this soup. If you want, you could use the seafood to make the stock, boiling it for a couple of minutes with the cobs, then take it out of the water, remove the shells and reserve thw meat to be added to the soup after it was taken away from the heat. And for garnish you could use some chopped scallions and shredded cheese.
Supa - crema de porumb
8 stiuleti de porumb (se taie boabele de porumb de pe 7 stiuleti si se pastreaza stiuletii pentru zeama de supa. Al optulea se pune la gratar, sau intr-o tigaie fara grasime, si boabele se folosesc pentru garnisit)
1/2 ceapa alba tocata marunt
1 tija de telina verde tocata marunt
1 morcov dat pe razatoarea mica
1 radacina fenicul (anason) tocata marunt
250 ml smantana dulce
400 ml zeama de supa de pui
sare si piper dupa gust
boia afumata
Pentru garnisit trebuie cateva linguri de coriandru proaspat tocat marunt si cateva felii de bacon prajit si taiat bucatele.
Se taie boabele de porumb de pe sapte stiuleti si se pun intr-un bol, iar stiuletii se pun la fiert intr-o oala, cu apa cat sa-i acopere si putina sare, si se fierb acoperiti cca 20-30 minute. Apa aceasta va fi folosita pentru supa. Se scot stiuletii de porumb din apa si cu lingura se "rad" si ultimele bucatele ramase si se adauga la restul de boabe de porumb.
Se soteaza ceapa, telina, feniculul si morcovul impreuna, timp de vreo 10 minute, pana sunt foarte moi. Se adauga boabele de porumb si se mai calesc cateva minute, apoi se toarna peste zeama de supa, sare si piper si 450 ml din apa in care au fiert stiuletii de porumb, si se lasa sa fiarba la foc mic aproape o jumatate de ora. Intre timp, se pune la gratar ultimul stiulete, apoi se taie boabele si se pastreaza pentru garnisit.
Se adauga smantana dulce la supa si se lasa pana ajunge iarasi la punctul de fierbere, apoi se da la o parte de pe foc.
Jumatate din supa se pune in blender si se face crema, apoi se amesteca cu restul de supa. Daca va place o supa mai cremoasa, se poate pune in blender toata supa, pe rand.Se serveste fierbinte, garnisita cu bucatele de bacon, coriandru proaspat, porumbul la gratar si putina boia afumata.
Extraordinar de bine arata supa asta... mmmmmmmmm
N-am stiuleti din pacate, as fii vrut si eu sa maninc un porumb fiert dar desi pe linga Bologna sunt cimpuri intregi de porumb la magazin nu am vazut decit boabe in conserve offfffff ... O sa fac cu ele ca pina la urma asta e.. nu va avea gustul supei tale dar macar o sa-i semene :-)). E musai sa te copiez ...
Cirtina, ma bucur daca iti place, eu am facut-o si cu porumb congelat amestecat cu cel de la conserva, a iesit gustoasa si asa. Poate nu a avut aroma aia de la cocean, asa de vara si de porumb fiert in ceaun, dar tot ne-a placut. Si combinatia cu putina afumatura, si de la bacon si de la paprika mi-a placut mult.
Sper sa-ti placa daca o incerci. pupici si tie.
Bine ai revenit, frumoasa supa !
Roxi este un premiu penmtru tine pe blogul meu ...
pupici ...
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