8 posts only and salmon comes back for the second time, this should tell you how much we like fish, and warn you it will probably find its way back here pretty soon. Maybe because it is summer and fish is lighter then the red meat, maybe because I know we'll barbeque for three days in a row this weekend, anyway...
The salmon was supposed to look different, but it didn't happen, maybe another time, so now it looks weird - some strips instead of a nice fillet, which did not change the taste anyway.
The salmon was supposed to look different, but it didn't happen, maybe another time, so now it looks weird - some strips instead of a nice fillet, which did not change the taste anyway.
The fennel and orange salad was on my to do list for a long time. I really liked the combination, the fennel has such a delicate taste, even though the licorice aroma is strong, and we (Clara and I) liked it. My sister asked me if I really had to put orange on top of the fish, so she pushed the salad aside.
There is no recipe for this dish. The fish was seared in a pan after I seasoned it with salt and lemon pepper and brushed it with some hoisin sauce. The fennel was julienned and mixed with orange segments (peel the orange removing the white skin completely, then cut the slices between the segments) and chopped chives. The dressing was the juice from the orange, mixed with one tablespoon rice vinegar and one tablespoon olive oil, salt and pepper. The red sauce is a raspberry wine reduction.
Am postat numai 8 subiecte pana acum si iata ca al noualea e iarasi cu peste- somon. Poate pentru ca e vara si pestele e mai usor, poate pentru ca stiu ca weekendul asta o sa gratarim timp de trei zile, cine stie... Insa stiu sigur ca o sa mai apara pe aici, destul de curand, pentru ca ne place mult. Cel putin mie si Clarei, ca sora mea scumpa si draga si f. conservatoare in ale mancarii m-a intrebat daca chiar trebuia sa pun portocala peste peste, asa ca a dat salata la o parte.
Nu am o reteta de scris. Pestele l-am taiat in fasii pentru ca voiam sa-l "mesteresc" in alta forma, dar nu am apucat, asa ca arata cel mai bine spus ciudat, insa nu a afectat deloc gustul. L-am sarat, piperat si uns cu un sos chinezesc, hoisin, apoi l-am pus in tigaie timp de 1-2 minute pe fiecare parte, cu numai un strop de ulei.
Salata e de fenicul, segmente de portocala si chives (iarba ciorii, poate fi inlocuita cu niste ceapa verde), cu o vinegreta facuta din zeama de la portocala, o lingura otet de orez ( merge si cel de mere), o lingura ulei, sare si piper. Feniculul are un gust foarte delicat, desi aroma de anason e puternica.
Iar sosul rosu e o reductie de zmeura si vin pe care l-am pastrat in frigider de la alta ocazie.
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