January 20, 2009

Back to blogging and cooking - Inapoi la blog si gatit

First of all, let me thank all of you that continued to check for a new post for the last two months, i appreciate your good thoughts and words and although i took a pretty long time to get back on track, here i am again. And thank you for pushing me to come back to my senses and shake off the deeeep blues and laziness.
I think you should know how much it had to do with your standing by me, your encouraging and true friendship, especially when i wasn't such a wonderful or true friend myself. Now, when you'll see what comes next, i hope you are not going to change your mind about encouraging me to continue :)))) ( see, i've got some sense of humor.....)
No recipe in this post, this is a promise and an apology for not wishing you guys when i should have Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!!

We had a really wonderful Thanksgiving in November, over the top as usual, as my friend Liliana has no limits when it comes to how much food we should prepare. I am so sorry that i didn't make time to take any pictures this year, but i'll put together in a post the ones from '07, you'll see i am not exagerating at all.

Christmas Eve was spent with some friends and lots of kids, and we were so lucky to actually see Santa again this year, which made Clara soooo happy (yes, we still believe even though we are in our 30's, but isn't he amazing???? we all fell in love with him 4 years ago). We then had other friends over on Christmas day at our house, which seemed smaller than ever with about 20 people at the table, but that's how it should be and how we like it. We cooked so much for the holidays and everything was perfect, and i have some pictures to prove that, coming up later.
New Year's Eve was another big party, at our friends house and everybody had an amazing time. We are blessed to have so many wonderful friends, and as much as we felt so bad about not being with my parents this year either, it was first time when we had my sister with us and i couldn't be happier that after 6 years we've spent the holidays together.
Last week I was treated and surprised by all my dear ones with a birthday party at my sister’s house (and it couldn’t have meant more than it did, so thank you again, if you guys stop by here... I love you all and thank all of you for what you did and for being in my life), so it was a slap in the face that reminded me how all my worries and unwarranted depression should go away, as indeed it’s all without any good reason whatsoever and it has lasted enough.
I have a couple of photos from Christmas that I wanted to share with you, and I promise that I’ll be back maybe tonight or tomorrow with a post, photo and recipe from the ones I took in the past 2 months, as I think I have some good ones. Or at least I consider them good thanks to the optimism that hit me and I hope it will stay around for a loooong time.

In primul rand, as vrea sa va multumesc tuturor celor ce ati trecut pe aici cautand un post nou in ultimele doua luni. Va multumesc pentru gandurile si cuvintele voastre bune, si pentru ca m-ati facut sa-mi recapat cheful si sa-mi ies din asteniile prelungite si lenea ce m-a cuprins. Si desi mi-a luat cam mult sa ma reapuc de treaba, iata-ma inapoi.
Vreau sa va spun cat de mult inseamna ca ati fost langa mine, incuranjandu-ma si fiindu-mi buni prieteni, mai ales cand eu nu am fost un prieten bun sau adevarat. Sper numai ca vazand posturile ce vor urma de aici inainte vezi fi multumiti de ce cititi si nu regretati ca m-ati incurajat sa merg mai departe :))) ( ahm, ceva urme de umor anemic). Postul asta nu are nici o reteta, e doar o promisiune ( facuta mie) si o cerere de scuze pentru ca nu v-am urat atunci cand trebuia Happy Thanksgiving, Craciun fericit si un An nou bun!
Am avut un Thanksgiving minunat in Noiembrie, ca de obicei de exceptie, pentru ca Liliana, prietena noastra, nu are nici un fel de limite cand e vorba despre cata mancare trebuie sa pregatim. Imi pare rau ca de data asta nu am facut poze, dar am sa pun intr-un post pozele din 2007 sa vedeti ca nu exagerez cu nimic.
Ajunul Craciunului l-am petrecut cu aceeasi prieteni cu care ne adunam de 5 ani acum, cu multi copii, si spre bucuria netarmurita a Clarei, am avut bucuria sa-l vedem in carne si oase pe Mosul ( da, noi credem in Mosul desi avem este 30 de ani, si ziceti si voi daca nu e atat de minunat, ne-am indragostit de el cand l-am vazut prima data in urma cu 4 ani). Am avut apoi alti prieteni invitati la noi in ziua de Craciun, si casa a fost atat de mica pentru 20 de oameni la masa, dar asa e frumos de sarbatori, nu? Am gatit mult de sarbatori, totul a iesit bun, si am si cateva poze si retetele de rigoare pe are o sa le postez in zilele ce vin.
De Revelion, alta petrecere mare, la prietenii nostri unde intotdeauna toti ne simtim de minune. Suntem de-a dreptul binecuvantati sa avem atatia prieteni buni, si desi ni se rupe sufletul de sarbatori sa fim departe de parinti, din nou, anul asta a fost prima data cand am fost impreuna cu sora mea de sarbatori, dupa 6 ani lungi, ceea ce ne-a facut foarte fericiti.
Saptamana trecuta, am fost rasfatata si surprinsa de toti cei dragi de aici cu o petrecere la sora-mea acasa (si vreau sa va spun dragilor, in caz ca treceti pe aici, ca nu putea insemna mai mult pentru mine surpriza asta.... Va iubesc mult si va multumesc tuturor pentru ce ati facut si pentru ca sunteti parte din viata noastra), care a fost palma ce m-a trezit si mi-a adus aminte cum toate grijile mele si tristetile nefondate ar trebui sa dispara, pentru ca sunt intr-adevar fara de motiv si au durat destul.
Am cateva poze de la Craciun pe care le impartasesc cu voi, si promit sa ma intorc diseara sau maine cu alt post, poze si retete din cele pe care le-am facut in ultimele 2 luni, unele fiind bune - bunutze. Sau cel putin asa le vad eu :)) datorita optimismului ce m-a lovit si sper eu ca va sta cu mine mult timp de aici inainte.


Lola said...

te-as mustra un pic pentru ca folosesti cuvinte de-astea ca "depression" :)) dar o sa ma abtin :P si o sa zic doar "bine ai revenit!"
you WERE missed :)

Anonymous said...

Ma alatur si eu Lolei si-ti spun "bine ai revenit"!!!
Te pup,Daniela

Cristina said...

In sfirsit !!!!! Bine te-ai intors Roxi draga in minunata blogosfera si sper sa nu mai dispari asa o lunga perioada ca MI-A FOST TARE DOR DE TINE!!

Abia astept poze si retete noi ..

pupice si domnisoarei are e tot mai mare si mai frumoasa si in curind mai inalta decit mami :-)

Agenda di Nico said...

Bine ai revenit! Important ca sunteti bine... blogul cu retete mai asteapta ;-)
Clara se face pe zi ce trece mai frumoasa.

roxana said...

Va multumesc din suflet tuturor, Mihaela, Dana, Nico si Cristina. Ma bucur si eu sa fiu inapoi, acum numai sa imi fac timpul sa postez cate am strans in lunile astea, plus cate mai erau dinainte. Mandruta mea a crescut intr-adevar taaare mult, prea repede, si nu ma refer numai la inaltime, sunt o domnisorica, si suntem tare mandri de ea. va imbratisez cu drag pe toate si sa aveti un an bun, plin de sanatate, bucurii si vise implinite.