Back in April i found a recipe for cured salmon, so i decided to make it at home, since we love so much the smoked and the cured one that you find in the supermarkets.
I gave it a try then, for my friend's surprise birthday party (which i will put together in a post some time this week) and we liked it so much, that i tried to make it again. I know you could use different ingredients for the cure, but the dill in this one is our favorite, although i still want to try something else next time.
I made it again this last weekend, when we've got together for a BBQ, and it was very good. Plus everybody finds it amazing that you prepared it at home and wants to know how.
What i found when we were munching on it, talking about the smoky seasoning i used for the BBQ chicken, was that i could have added something from the beginning, but it didn't even cross my mind - smoked sweet paprika, just a bit, which could give the cured salmon the smokiness it was missing. This was an Evrika moment for me (daaahh, is that the spelling for my very dumb moment?) and i am happy Lili came up with the ideea. If you like a spicy smoky cured salmon, add some chipotle powder, we loved it both ways.
You could also use more cracked pepper, or anything else you like; use lime zest instead of lemon and you'll get a more mexican taste, some cajun seasoning for a southern one, but don't forget to share the results or new ideas, please, like we did with the smoked paprika :).
I had a piece of salmon of almost 2 pounds and for the cure used a mix made from:
1/3 cup coarse salt
1/4 cup light brown sugar
1 teaspoon ground pepper
zest from one lemon ( you could definitely use more)
one bunch fresh dill chopped finely
Rinse and ry the salmon, then place half of the salt mixture in a glass baking dish, put the salmon on top, then cover it with the rest of the salt. Cover the dish with plastic foil and put it in the frige for 48 hours. Pour out the water from the baking dish about twice a day. Rinse it in cold water when you are ready to serve it.
We love it on toast or bagels, with cucumbers, creme fraiche or sour cream, or a mix of either cream cheese or goat cheese with heavy cream (until you have kind of a mousse), red onion, capers, more dill, lemon to squeze over the fish.
It is great with pasta and in sandwiches or quiches as well.
Somon sarat (neafumat)
Noua ne place foarte mult somonul afumat, iar in aprilie am gasit o reteta pt. peste facut la saramura pe care am incercat-o atunci pentru ziua surpriza a prietenei mele ( un post pe care tot vreau sa-l pun impreuna de mult timp, poate reusesc saptamana asta). Pestele a iesit excelent, asa ca am mai facut reteta de mai multe ori de atunci. Ingredientele de la saramura pot fi adaptate dupa gustul si preferintele fiecaruia, numai ca noua ne place mararul foarte mult, asa ca nu am schimbat reteta pana acum.
Vorbind cu prietena mea despre condimentele folosite pentru puiul facut duminica la BBQ, am descoperit insa ca as fi putut adauga si l-ar fi facut mai bun - boia/ paprika dulce afumata. Un pic de tot, cat sa-i dea gustul ala de afumatura care ii lipseste. Sau daca va place putin picant, folositi boia iute afumata.
Daca va place, puteti pune mai putina sare si zahar, si mult mai mult piper macinat proaspat mai grunjos. Se poate inlocui coaja de lamaie cu limeta, sau condimente cajun pentru o saramura "sudista". Orice idei incercati, nu uitati sa impartasiti rezultatele, asa cum am facut noi cu paprika aici :).
Pentru un filet de peste de aproape 800 g am folosit
70 g sare grunjoasa
50 g zahar brun
o linguritza piper macinat
o legatura marar proaspat tocat marunt
coaja rasa de la o lamaie (sau chiar mai multa)
Se pune pestele la marinat intr-un vas de sticla pe jumatate din amestecul de sare si condimente si se acopera cu restul de sare si condimente, se pune o folie de plastic deasupra si se da la frigider aproape 48 de ore. Se scurge de apa lasata la fiecare 12 ore. Se spala incat sa se inlature sarea si e gata de servit.
Noua ne place pe paine prajita, pe covrigi, cu felii de castraveti, crema fresca, smantana, sau un amestec de crema de branza sau branza de capra cu smantana dulce lichida (incat sa iasa un fel de mousse), ceapa rosie, capere, marar, felii de lamaie.
Este foarte bun si cu paste sau in sandwichuri si tarte/quiche.
Before we were able to cold smoke our salmon after curing we definitely missed the smokiness. Using smoked paprika is a great idea!
Ce minunatie !!! tu imi faci curaj sa incerc si eu asa ceva ca prea poftesc la pozele tale.
Buna ideea cu boiaua afumata.
pupici !!
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