August 4, 2008

Small bites with Pancetta - Aperitive cu pancetta

This is going to be a very very short post. I am trying to catch up with my pictures. This week and the following one is lent for us, so I will try to cook some vegetable dishes, but I have many photos and recipes from a while back that could be posted as well.

Last week, I made these appetizers to nibble on with a glass of red wine when my sister came over, and although there is nothing extraordinary about them, and no actual recipe (just wrap the peaches and the enoki mushrooms with very thin slices of pancetta, sprinkle with pepper and bake), we like them very much and there are none left over every time when I make them, so why not take a picture?

I love small bites, appetizers, hors d'oeuvres, tapas, meze or however you want to call them, and this is just one of the many others that will show up here in time. They could show your creativity, they are entartaining, never boring, and full of flavor. The perfect opening for a party or a meal in itself.


Acesta e un post foarte foarte scurt. Lucrez la poze si retete, si cu timpul o sa le postez pe toate. Saptamana asta si urmatoarea e post, inainte de sarbatoarea Sfintei Marii, asa ca o sa incerc sa gatesc si tin postul. Intre timp, o sa postez din pozele din urma si poate si din cele de post pe care le voi face zilele astea.
Aperitivele de mai sus le-am facut saptamana trecuta, sa avem ceva de rontait la un pahar de vin cand a venit sora mea pe la noi, si desi nu e nimic deosebit, nici macar o reteta de urmat (se invelesc feliile de piersica si ciupercile in felii subtiri de pancetta - kaiser sau bacon merg la fel de bine, se presara cu piper si se coc), noua ne plac tare mult si niciodata nu au ramas nemancate, asa ca de ce sa nu le fac o poza si lor?
Mie imi plac foarte mult aperitivele, gustarile, "imbucaturi mici", tapas, meze, sau oricum le numim, si astea sunt parte din pozele si ideile pe care le voi posta treptat. Mi se par ingenioase, pline de gust, si deloc monotone. Sunt minunate de servit la inceputul unei petreceri sau chiar sa faci un meniu intreg cu ele.


Irina said...

Si mie imi plac ! Iar reteta asta am notat-o in carnetel!

Helene said...

What a cool tea party!!

Anonymous said...

de ce nu:)